What's that Sound? Audio Memes: A Layered, Collaborative Story
Philip Rice, DMA

In the digital age, audio memes have emerged as a distinctive aspect of internet culture, blending auditory, visual, and text elements to create novel modes of expression. This interactive talk delves into the intricate world of online sounds by exploring their multimodal collaborative layers, which combine content and cultural references to enhance social connectivity and humor. By employing a multidisciplinary approach that integrates media studies, music, and digital sociology, this discussion will highlight the dynamic interplay between audio and visual components in shaping meme content and user engagement on popular platforms such as TikTok and Instagram.
This presentation will explore the significance of multimodal collaboration in the evolution of digital culture, unpacking the implications of audio memes as a tool now deeply embedded in online communication practices. At the conclusion of this talk, participants will collaborate together on a new meme.
Saturday, November 9
Grand Ballroom, The Northern Center